Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Review and Excerpt Tour: GREEN by S.M. West

Thank you for joining up for the Review and Excerpt Tour for S.M. West’s GREEN! Devour this hot and sexy romantic suspense where hope and friendship grow into something more. Follow along for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card!

Title: Green
Author: SM West
Release Date: 2/28/18
Publisher: Self-published
Series: A Love in Color Novel
Genres: Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

Green. The color of hope.
ANNA MARI is living for today, not daring to hope for tomorrow. She’s a pawn in her grandfather’s game, and time is her enemy. Her freedom is the prize.
 DAVIS COOPER is licking his wounds of betrayal when he’s assigned to babysit his boss’s sister. The pretty little thing who’s most definitely off-limits.
Though they struggle to set boundaries, the root of their friendship grows into something more. But none of that matters – Anna’s fate is sealed and neither hope nor love can save her.  

               Buy Now: Amazon | B&N

GREEN Excerpt
Copyright © 2018 S.M. West

Eventually, I select a large canvas, so large, I can’t get it on the easel and settle for the floor. I strip my jeans, long sleeved shirt and slip my shoes off, donning the sizeable green smock hanging on the wall. And I paint. Losing track of time or space. Fully immersed in the colors, my vision, my emotion.
“Here you are,” Coop says from the doorway, and I twist on all fours in his direction.  
He’s leaning on the door jamb with his arms relaxed at his sides, and his feet crossed like he has been standing there a while.
“How long have you been here?”
I’ve been painting for hours, my fingers tingle, my feet are numb, and my lower back aches from crouching and contorting myself into strange, awkward positions. I was oblivious to the cries of my body while working.
“A bit.” He pushes off the wall, nearing to help me to my feet.
I roll my neck and shake out my limbs before tilting my head to look at him. He smiles, his white teeth and twinkling eyes pop as he tucks a few strands behind my ear.  
“You’ve got some paint on your face.” His finger slides down my check and then the side of my nose. “It looks good on you.”
Heat travels from the center of my chest outward, and I can’t help but smile, “I’m glad you think so.”
Gone is my anger or bruised ego from his departure last night. I don’t really know what I was expecting or wanting, and I’m glad to see him. I’m also happy to see that he’s more himself.
“What am I going to do with you? You have to stop disappearing on me.”
“And what? Make your job easier, not a chance.” I tease, treading lightly, all too aware of the kind of trouble my wondering off could cause.

RED is on sale for just $.99 until March 1st! Grab your copy today!

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About S.M. West:

S.M. West writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, erotica and whatever her heart desires. She spends most of her time juggling a day job, being a mom, wife, and writing. She's a self-professed junkie of many things, including a voracious fan of music, a born wanderer, a wine aficionado and chocolate connoisseur.


Boy meets girl
Girl meets windshield, forgets boy
Girl starts to remember, looks for boy
Boy might not be real...

A girl who can’t remember. A book you won’t forget.
From debut author Margarita Montimore.


Astrid can't remember the best day of her life: yesterday. 

A traumatic car accident erases Astrid s memories of September 9th, the day she spent with an oddly charming stranger named Theo. Ever since, she's been haunted by surreal dreams and an urgent sense that she's forgotten something important. 

One night, she gets a mysterious call from Oliver, who knows more about her than he should and claims he can help her remember. She accepts his help, even as she questions his motives and fights a strange attraction to him. 

In order to find Theo and piece together that lost day in September, Astrid must navigate a maze of eccentric Boston nightlife, from the seedy corners of Chinatown to a drug-fueled Alice-in-Wonderland-themed party to a club where everyone dresses like the dead. 

In between headaches and nightmares, she struggles to differentiate between memory, fantasy, and reality, and starts to wonder if Theo really exists. Eventually, she ll need to choose between continuing her search for him or following her growing feelings for Oliver. 

Astrid might go to extreme lengths to find what she's lost... or might lose even more in her pursuit to remember (like her sanity).

On Sale Now:

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"Simply riveting from start to finish... a captivating, literary piece that winds a path somewhere between mystery, romance, and psychological thriller." — D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

“A compelling and original take on the classic amnesia tale . . . The narrative bursts with detailed, vivid characters . . . The dialogue is expertly crafted.” – The BookLife Prize

"There is so much to love about this book. The writing is wonderful... The joy of this book is following all of its twists and turns and going on Astrid's journey with her as she tries to determine what is real and what isn't." — GSMC Book Review

"This book ticked all my boxes: unusual narrative structure, setting as a character, witty banter, and whip-smart writing... I loved it, and I'll be thinking about it for a long time."
— Rachel Lynn Solomon, author of You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone

“Every part of this book was confidently crafted to create this dreamy, charismatic experience of being utterly submerged in a mystery and desperately seeking truth.”
— Michelle Hazen, author of A Cruel Kind of Beautiful

Grand Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card

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Outside a pizza place is a pay phone. Who else can I call? Hand on receiver, before I can decide, the phone rings. I pull back, like I’ve been burned.

Briiiiiing!!! Briiiiiing!!!

There’s absolutely nobody around, no one who might be waiting for a call.


“Hello?” Why am I answering the phone? It’s not like—


If déjà vu is a feather down the spine, this sensation is a razor.

I must have misheard.

“Astrid, are you there?” The same male voice from my dream, the static now on my end in the form of the noisy downpour.

“Who is this?” I ask. “How did you know I would answer the phone?”

Before he replies, tranquility trickles into my veins like one of those lovely drugs pumped into me at the hospital. Of course. There’s no need to worry about any of it. This is just another dream.

“You’ll find out who I am soon enough,” he says. “There are more important things you need to deal with first.”

“Sure there are. Like what kind of snack I’ll have when I wake up.”

A pause on his end. “You’re not dreaming, Astrid.”

It stops raining, abruptly.

“The car accident, the fire, your friend’s overdose,” he continues, “All of those are real things.”

Who are you? You’re scaring me.” I look around, expect to see someone lurking in a dark trench coat.

“I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have called. But I wanted... to reassure you, tell you you’ll get through this. I’ll be able to help you more later on.”

“Do you...” My mouth is parched, my voice hoarse. “Do you go by your middle name?” I clear my throat, hold onto the phone with both hands. “Please tell me your name.”

“You already know my name, Astrid. You just need to remember it. But first, you need to find a place to sleep.”

“You mean a place to wake up. Right here would be perfect.”

He sighs. “Don’t do that. Don’t deny what’s real.”

How am I supposed to tell the difference?

“Astrid, you’re going to be fine. That’s all I wanted to tell you. We’ll speak again soon.”

The line goes dead.

Author Bio:
Margarita Montimore received a BFA in Creative Writing from Emerson College. She worked for over a decade in publishing and social media before deciding to focus on the writing dream full-time. She has blogged for Marvel, Google, Quirk Books, and When not writing, she freelances as a book coach and editor. She grew up in Brooklyn but currently lives in a different part of the Northeast with her husband and dog.

Margarita writes upmarket/literary fiction that tends to be left of center and flirt with multiple genres. While she loves all things dark, strange, and surreal, she’s also optimistic—verging on quixotic—and a pop culture geek, so her work tends to incorporate all those elements to varying degrees.

Connect with Margarita: Website | Twitter | FacebookInstagram Newsletter

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Review and Excerpt Tour for

We are excited to share HELPING HER REMEMBER by Kate Carley. Fans of second-chance romance will find this heartwarming story of redemption. Follow the tour for exclusive excerpts, reviews, and a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card + three runner-ups will get an ebook copy of HELPING HER REMEMBER.

Title: Helping Her Remember
Author: Kate Carley
Release Date: February 26, 2018
Publisher: Self-published
Series: The Crawford Falls Series
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Page Count: 265


Kelly’s back.
How can two simple words make Dylan Bronstad’s heart ache and sing at the same time?
Even seven years ago, Kelly Anne Leeson had possessed that power. Back then, all Dylan wanted to do was drink and make love to her. Really, it was no wonder she’d climbed out of his bed and walked out of his life, leaving him with nothing but a nasty hangover and the lonely memories of their time together.
Today, Dylan’s life is on track. He’s sober with the support of his family and his tight-knit group of friends. But Kelly could derail all he’s worked to accomplish. Unfortunately, he can’t seem to stay away from her.
Lured by the offer of her dream job, Kelly returns home to Crawford Falls and the friends she’d abandoned a lifetime ago. Mending those broken relationships will require some honest answers and a fair amount of forgiveness.
But facing Dylan will take a lot more—like maybe a suit of armor to protect her battle-weary heart and the secret she fears she’ll never be able to keep. 
While Kelly searches for a way to maintain the safe life she’s created for her son, Dylan works to remind her of the relationship they once had.
Just as they rekindle their relationship, secrets and half-truths threaten to destroy everything.

Buy Now: Amazon | iBooks | B&N | Kobo | Chapters
Chapters →

Copyright © 2018 Kate Carley

“Isn’t that your turn?” she asked, huffing embarrassingly loud when they passed the county road and made their way up a fairly steep incline.
“I’m running you home.”
“Don’t need to. I’m a big girl, you know?” Kelly could feel his lazy perusal from her head down to her toes and back again. She was sweaty and gross, and he was checking her out. Unbelievable.
“Mmm. Yes, I know,” he said.
They ran in silence the rest of the way, because it was just too damn hard for her to talk. And he knew it. When they reached the top of the hill and turned onto her street, he said, “Let’s cool down.” They slowed their pace to a casual walk. “I never get to run with anyone. That was nice.”
“But you cut your run short for me. And it’s obvious, you’re in far better shape than I am, given that you can actually talk and run at the same time.”
Dylan just laughed at her comment, clasping his hand with hers, lacing their fingers together. “Go out with me, Kelly Anne. I’ve missed you, and I really want to get to know you again.”
The feel of his hand in hers and that sweet invitation sent a familiar surge of excitement through her. Kelly’s heart squeezed and her stomach did that little flip-flop rollercoaster thing again. As always, her body seemed to respond so naturally to Dylan’s attention. Or perhaps foolishly was a more appropriate definition of her response. While he apparently had warm memories of their time together, to her their relationship had been like watching an incredible firework display—spectacular, bright, loud—and then she’d been plunged into a dark, silent night all alone.
Kelly came to a stop near the side of her mom’s house and turned to face him, sucking in a deep breath and trying to ignore the nice hum of arousal playing through her body. “Jesse’s your best friend, right?” She didn’t wait, because she knew the answer. “Do you hold his hand like this when the two of you are together?” Classic Dylan reaction. He burst into laughter and then released her hand to give her a brief hug. When he stepped back, he wore that expression that generally got him exactly what he wanted. Kelly sighed and shook her head. “No, Dylan. I’m not interested in dating.”
Dylan moved in closer, tilting her chin up with one finger so she’d be forced to meet his eyes. Why did he insist on touching her like that? It did crazy things to her brain, not to mention the fact that it all but melted her resolve. “You’re kidding me. Come on, Kelly Anne. We were great together. Why not try it again?”
Because I know my heart will never survive.

Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card +
Three Runner-ups will win a HELPING HER REMEMBER eBook!

About Kate Carley:

Monday, February 26, 2018


Max “Shame”’ Schaeffer knows only one way—the hard way. He lives hard, drinks hard, fights hard…and if comes to it, he figures he’ll die hard, too. The only soft thing in his life is Charli Steele, the younger sister of his two best friends. He knows she thinks she’s in love with him, but with his tarnished and messed-up past, he doesn’t see anything in him worthy of love.

Dr. Charli Steele knows more about Shame than he realizes, and she has loved him since they were kids—scars and all. He loves her, too. She is sure he does. But Shame will never give in to it. Until one brief, stolen night leads to another…and another. Then Shame decides to throw it all away. Heartbroken, she retreats, intent on trying to heal from this latest rejection. But a phone call in the middle of the night changes everything.

Shame is hurt, and he needs her.

It turns out he needs her a lot more than he realizes. But will he let her in…before it’s too late?

“Let go, Charli,” he said.



“That’s not a reason,” she said, her voice a challenge.

“It’s reason enough,” he told her. “Let me go. I shouldn’t have come in here.”

“But a monster might have been hiding under my bed,” she teased.

There was a monster standing in front of her and she seemed blind to it. He wasn’t, though, and he needed to be stronger than this. Pulling back, he twisted his wrist, breaking contact with her face.

Charli moved with him and somehow their hands ended up entwined and she closed the distance between them once more.

“Why did you come inside, Max?” she asked.

She was standing so close he could feel the faint disturbance in the air as she spoke. He wanted to eliminate the few scant inches between them and fist his hand in her hair, kiss her, taste her…take her.

But this was Charli…

When he didn’t answer, Charli swayed closer to him.

He didn’t move.

Even when she let her lips ghost over his, he didn’t move.

But when she leaned in closer and pressed her mouth firmly to his, he did move. He caught her chin in his hand and yanked his head back, staring at her. “Don’t, Charli. I’m not one of your pretty, polished doctors with soft hands. You don’t want the kind of things I’d do to you,” he warned her.

“Says who?” she asked, that challenge still in her voice.


F*CK CLUB: CON (Book 2)

Shiloh Walker is an award-winning writer…yes, really!  She’s also a mom, a wife, a reader and she pretends to be an amateur photographer.  She published her first book in 2003. Her latest suspense, The Right Kind of Trouble, released in August 2016 from St. Martins.

She writes romantic suspense and contemporary romance, and urban fantasy under the name J.C. Daniels.